We provide the best residential cleaning service available in the area. If you live a busy lifestyle and can't find the time to clean, or simply don't like doing it, let our experienced team take care of it for you.
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Bathroom Cleaning Services
We provide these services every time we're in your home:
Tile walls, bathtubs, and showers cleaned
Shower doors cleaned
Vanity and sink cleaned
Mirrors and chrome fixtures cleaned and shined
Floor cleaned and sanitized / carpet vacuumed
Toilets thoroughly cleaned and sanitized
Windows sills, ledges, and blinds dusted
Cobwebs removed, doors and door frames spot cleaned, and general dusting
Kitchen Cleaning Services
Wipe down exterior kitchen cabinets (Deep Cleaning)
Counter tops cleaned and sanitized
Outside of range hood cleaned
Top and front of range cleaned
Drip pans or glass tops surfaces wiped
Sinks cleaned and chrome shined
Front of all appliances cleaned
Floor vacuumed and damp mopped
Microwave cleaned inside and out
Windows sills, ledges, and blinds dusted
Cobwebs removed, doors and door frames spot cleaned, and general dusting